Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fear Pooping

Tails of a Pit Bull turned the ripe old age of 1 on Friday. That was the one-year anniversary of The Catalyst - the day Dasher and I went to get his shots for the first time in Tennessee. In celebration, we went again today. Okay, we went mostly because he was due for shots again. Listen to what happened this time.

I sit down to wait for Dasher's name to be called next to a man with a tiny, furball, Pomeranian-type creature in his lap. The man on the other side of him has an energetic Beagle-y mix that sits anytime she hears anyone near her say anything that remotely sounds like "sit" but believes the command is good only for a bottom-hit-the-floor move and nothing more. Once the task is complete, she's back up and sniffing butts.

Beagle-Owner, to me: "Does he have a lil' pitbull in him?"

Me: "I think he has a lotta pitbull in him."

(Everyone chuckles.)

Guy next to me, to the furball: "See that guy, Sugar? You'd be a midnight snack for him!"

Me: "Oh, no, he wouldn't hurt a fly."

(Uncomfortable laugther.)

Then I remember that one of Dasher's most beloved pastimes is hunting flies.

Dasher, right, with his best bud Gracie

And you can bet your bottom dollar Dasher fear-pooped once again!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Dog-Day Afternoon

Our second Sunday of the season at the lake went to the dogs. With the threat of rain, critters were scurrying every which way to find a good spot to hang, and the dogs had a field day trying to dig the chipmunks and other vermin out of their hiding places. The drooly dogs showed up on the porch looking like this:

The smart one looks guilty and knows she's in trouble. The other one, well, he's the happiest when he's digging holes.

Later, in an effort to clean some noses (and eye sockets?!), we headed down to the dock. The boat had just made it's way out of winter hibernation, and we let the dogs take it on this spring's maiden voyage.

The Three Amigos

That big guy on the left? That's baby Lincoln! Do you remember when he was so small? That was only 4 months ago!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dashing Dasher

I'm one of those dog moms. I dress him up. Bow ties, reindeer antlers, and even full costumes. (You've seen our Wizard of Oz rendition.) Dasher loves it! Okay, he hates it. But I don't make him keep it on for too long. Here's his newest accessory.

Spring 2013
Staring longingly out the window until the torture is done.

"Why do you continue to do these things to me? Aren't I a good dog?"

While Dasher does not enjoy wearing the cute things I just cannot resist buying, he does have a favorite accessory: DIRT! Look how happy this guy is.

After hours of digging (his life's work)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ryan and I went to brunch on Saturday, and from my seat I could see Union Ave Books, a local bookstore. I love reading, but I might love books even more. And local merchants? It's a done deal. I'd wanted to visit since I first saw it when I moved to Knoxville, but it never happened. So, I told Ryan I wanted to go after brunch and that it was his responsibility to make sure I didn't buy anything. "My shelves are full," I said. "I want to get through those before I go spending money on books. And also, there's the library." He said okay, and we walked over.

The first table we saw when we entered was full of this book:

And they were accompanied by a sign stating the author, Ken Foster, would be at that very book store the following Saturday for a reading and signing. How serendipitous!

I picked up a copy and explained to Ryan that this was an exception to my earlier-stated rule of buying no books. He tried to get me to put it down, noting that he had one duty at the moment and he'd get in trouble if he didn't perform it satisfactorily. "No, no, you won't be in trouble. This is different. It's a not a novel, and this guy is going to be here next week! I can't pass this up." Ahh, my spending skills at work. I also managed to squeeze in buying a book for my cousin. If it's for someone else, it doesn't count, right?

I read the not-quite-a-coffee-table-but-good-for-conversation-starting book cover to cover that afternoon. Ken Foster describes wonderful stories of pit bulls just being dogs - because that's just what they are. I learned that "pit bull" is not actually a breed; it's just a hodge-podge of other breeds, among them labs, bulldogs, mastiffs and a variety of terriers. The theme of the book is that "pit bull" is a perception, and I agree. I experience it often. People actively antagonize me about my dog, sometimes passively, sometimes aggressively. Most of the time, I calmly make our case. Pictures of him help: him sleeping, being sweet, giving kisses, playing with his furry friends. But, sometimes, the antagonizers are relentless, and I lose my cool. I become heated with fury and forget to right words to say. I'm going to ask Ken Foster about this. I'm sure he's experienced the same; it's probably the reason he started the Sula Foundation and began writing books about his buddies. He might have an elevator pitch of sorts that I can memorize and rattle off when I can think of nothing else to say that doesn't expose my pain and weakness. Because, yes, Dasher is my weakness, and you best not mess with his Mama.